customer experience

There is no doubt that COVID-19 has impacted customer behaviors. Many of these behaviours were already present and have been accelerated but some new and unfamiliar patterns have risen due to the new reality of life. In just a few months, customers have made fundamental shifts in what they value, their beliefs, and their needs. Our research reveals that in the Nigerian banking industry, more customers today are comfortable using digital channels for banking activities, spend less of their income, and increasingly demand the security of digital transactions. While it is uncertain how much of these changes will be permanent, it is already clear that a new customer is emerging - one that is financially constrained, more comfortable with technology, and better informed.

In response to the crisis, some banks have performed well in customer experience delivery. Our 14th consecutive year of the Banking Industry Customer Experience Survey reveals higher overall customer experience performance in two out of the three broad segments. We see that the leading banks have focused on what matters most to customers in these uncertain times, and were uniquely prepared to adjust to this new world in the light of COVID-19.

The Six Pillars of Experience Excellence have become more relevant than ever to navigate the changes in customer priorities. They have been established as a universal set of qualities needed to deliver excellence in customer interactions and create loyalty. Consistent delivery across each of the Six Pillars remains critical. However, the pillars of Resolution and Personalisation underperformed this year, a reflection of how banks have struggled with problem resolution and delivery of personalized experiences, particularly as many customers increased their use of contact centers and digital channels.

Ultimately, what is clear is that the banks that succeed in this new reality will be those that have a deeper understanding of the new customer and adapt quickly to the immediate disruptions to deliver higher performance for customers.

We encourage you to take a look at the findings of our research in this report. To find out more information, please contact us.

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